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Taking care of your skin

Your Skin and health Inside Out.

Radiant & beautiful skin requires a little attention to detail...............................
Our skin is the largest organ in the body absorbing up to 60% of whatever we apply to it. (so what have we applied to it?) It is the first line of defence against bacteria & virus attack from the outside & the first place we show signs of weakness or vulnerability whenever we feel rundown or overworked. With a little planning you can get your skin back on track by treating it inside out.
Good, smooth, healthy skin can be achieved by lending a helping hand both inside & out. Many skin problems begin from the inside due to a lack of certain minerals or vitamins. This can be the case despite having a healthy diet & the body can often benefit from a "boost". This is especially true if you are feeling stressed or run down, as the body will use up all your nutrients dealing with stress & the negative impact it has on your body systems. 

These are our very top 'tried & tested' tips.
Inside: Daily consumption of 1 or 2 spoons of extra virgin olive oil helps keep skin healthy. A daily routine excellent for keeping skin moist. The Quran is always true. Olive oil is the best oil on earth. My guru Dato' Dr Fatma El Zahrah says she has taken a spoon of olive oil  daily since young. Not only is her skin fair and lovely, she has no health problems, alhamdullilah her heart, kidney, etc are all in good shape. Olive contains all the good minerals like zinc & magnesium which is superb for keeping skin healthy. It may take 2 weeks before you start seeing results but it's a good idea to stick with it. These are 2 minerals which aid skin renewal and repair. Olive oil intake sure helps in constipation - olive being high in zinc will assist the removal of toxins & congestion, encouraging fresh complexion. Drink plenty of water (6-8 glasses a day) & try to reduce your intake of tea & coffee as their diuretic properties tend to encourage you to dry out. Excessive white sugar, refined foods & fizzy drinks can have detrimental impact on the skin & should be avoided as much as possible. Of course alcohol is out of the question! Food can be a great source of skin clearing properties & increasing your intake of caretonoid-rich foods such as pumpkin, carrot juice, tomato & all the brightly coloured fruits & vegetables will enhance the quality of your skin. 

Outside: It would be a good start to examine all the skin products you currently use on your face & body. Most commercial moisturiser, shampoos & soaps are usually laden with chemcials & preservatives , and animal oils (sodium tallowate) which not only toxify the skin, they also disrupt & imbalance the natural rhythyms of the skin. Switch to paraben & SLS free soaps & shampoos. www.ferdausferdaus.com features olive oil traditional soaps and moulded fragrant soaps which are natural and free from SLS and paraben.

The golden rules for good skincare are to cleanse & moisturise. Doctors always advice patients to keep their skin moist so as to prevent pimples. Boosting your routine with a weekly exfoliator & mask will also enhance your skin quality. Next golden rule is keep your wudhu' fresh all the time....

Cleansing:  If you wish to use a soap on the face use the ferdausferdaus soap, as it is very moisturisng & doesn't strip the oils from the skin but complements them. Drying out your skin with conventional commercial soaps or other products can in turn result in oiliness as your skin literally over-compenastes for the moisture it is losing as a result. 

Extra to dos: Masks are powerful skin purifiers. Make up one & use it at least once a day until your skin improves. This will form an essential part of your healthy skin routine. Twice a week you can use a homemade exfoliator on your face, all you need is a little brown sugar, oatmeal or salt moistened with olive oil. Apply & wash off with water. 

To feed & nourish choose a suitable simple mosituriser. This depends totally on your skin type. You can try Ferdaus Secret products on www.ferdausferdaus.com

Changing to natural skincare: It is true that some skin types go through a period of skin de-toxification on switching from conventional commercial products to natural. While some will not experience any changes, others may see a big difference while their skin cleanses itself of impurities. This is not long term & your skin will quickly settle. It normally takes 2 weeks for some people and a little longer for others depending on what they use previously. While your skin is unsettled keep to a very simple routine, using simple products. Once you feel your skin has stabilised then you can look into using more "specific" moisturisers to encourage elasticity & reduce fine lines.

Combine natural skin foods with a balanced diet, good nutritional intake, adequate water & a curfew on chocolate & you should be half way there.

Choose ferdausferdaus traditional olive soap or it's fragrant soaps, and extra virgin olive oil imported from the blessed land of the prophets. The prophets has prayed for the land and its produce. Visit www.ferdausferdaus.com. Contact us for any info or queries.


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